SnapCap – motorized OTA cap

Gemini SnapCap is an excellent solution for dust protection, installs in few minutes without drilling holes and works even in the field or in your remote observatory. Available with single or double (half) flaps.
We can also add a flat panel for your convenience (up to 40 cm optics). For optical tubes over 40cm you get 2 semicircles with 2 motors and no flat panel is possible. Snap Cap is a simple, reliable modular device. Below is a video guide to the SnapCap options.

Gemini SnapCap Installation

Snap Cap is a simple, reliable modular device and very easy for installation (Gemini SnapCap Installation in few steps).
The clearence you need to open/close is D+10 cm for single, R+10 cm for double cap versions.
This is what Manuel from Austria wrote: “It is not really difficult(to install) and works fine. Great and useful product and saves me time.”

How it works

A plastic coated metal band holds the motor unit on the tube or dewcap. The cap’s axis is inserted into the motorized arm. You connect the cables and it is ready to go. Available with 90 or 270 degree rotation. If you change OTA you need to exchange the cap and the metal band only. This video  demonstrates the installation of a double Snap Cap cover.
To operate Snap Cap you just have to download its Windows control program that allows controlling the motor and the flat panel, as seen below. It has USB and Bluetooth connection and can be controlled from your Android device too. Supported in Sequence Generator PRO and Voyager. An ASCOM switch emulating driver is also available for script control in ACP or other programs with ascom scripting. Sample scripts are available too.
Alternatively you can use two free contacts on a computer (usb or LAN) controlled relay switch (500mA). See the gemini snapcap manual for details. It weights from cca 300 g to 2000 g, depending on size and flat panel. The links to driver and software download are in the manual.


We use exclusively alluminium, stainless steel, zink plated steel and inox screws. The cap is made of 1mm carbon composite.

Price list for tubecap only (no flat panel) SnapCap kits

  • Standard kit – motor, metal band and carbon cap, control box (for PC switch control), NOT includes: power supply, PC controlled switch, switching cable: for prices see the table below!
  • PC kit – motor, metal band and carbon cap, PC control and ASCOM switch: add 130 EUR to the standard kit price
  • New OTA kit for no flat caps – metal band and carbon cap cut to size: 61,00 EUR
  • All versions are available in 90 or 270 degree opening angle.
 50 - 200mm diameter201 - 300mm301 - 400mm401 - 500mm
Single Flap290 EUR354 EUR427 EURn.a
Double EUR640 EUR

Price list for tubecap and Flat Foil SnapCap kits with PC control

Model with cap and flat foil sizeSuggested Telescope DiameterDescriptionPricing (tax included, shipping extra)
D180mm with 155mm illuminated discup to 150mm opticsPC and Android control, dimming, weight 400g500 EUR
D250mm with 225mm illuminated diskfrom 150 to 210mm opticsPC and Android control, dimming, weight 600g630 EUR
D350mm with 320mm illuminated discfrom 210 to 300mm opticsPC and Android control, dimming, weight 1800g730 EUR
D450mm with 420mm illuminated discfrom 310 to 400mm opticsPC and Android control, dimming, weight 2100g880 EUR

Shipping is extra.  22% sales tax (for EU orders only) is included. We provide 2 years of warranty for mechanical parts and 1 year for all electronic parts.
